I am under no illusions concerning elections; either their forecasts or their results. The pundits did predict a "victory" for the Republicans and that was the result, only I don't think they expected it to be as big as it was.
Looking back, I think we suffered a little from Bush's second term, but that was not close to the pain delivered by Obama. His lack of transparency (promised but not delivered), the ACA (a disaster from the beginning), and his Executive Orders (some of which now will be challenged as illegal) are just three examples.
The electorate spoke and they said, "Enough is enough" or rather not enough is too much. In business we know you under promise and over deliver. Obama got this backassward and the voters let him and his Democrats in Congress know about it through these midterm elections.
Now the pundits have said the turn out affected the results. Meaning the young and black vote that put Obama into office didn't come out and vote in these midterms, hence the results. I have a different opinion.
I believe the voting public has awoken to the real corruption in politics which is found on both sides of the aisle; just a little less so on the right. And most importantly, they are sick and tired of nothing getting done.
Here are the top three things I want to see happen, and please dear gawd don't let these just be dreams.
1. required Voter ID for registering to vote as well as for actually voting.
2. an open vote, meaning no party affiliation required and anybody can be placed on the ballot and/or you can write in a name, and NONE OF THE ABOVE, is a choice
3. repeal of Citizen's United, PACs, or any other kind of financial donation to any candidate from any entity other than an individual registered voter, and not to exceed $5
I have other wishes, such as securing the border, how "appointees" like Czars, and Cabinet staff workers are made, and work days and hours and other benefits of Congressmen.
I see our government as being more corrupt than honest, and I know I am not the only one. In fact I believe other countries see us that way entirely. These things must change, and it can only change when the citizenry stands up and votes like they did yesterday.
1 comment:
Those are 3 excellent ideas, the problem is how to stop the big money corruption machine
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