Friday, April 19, 2013

Manhunt Door to Door Rights

Notwithstanding the importance that Boston is under a very important manhunt, I wanted to make note of an observation.

What you see in both these pics are police/military searching for an alleged terrorist bomber by doing a door to door search.  I am not saying homeowners should not help, nor am I saying they should hinder in this, but I am saying that these citizens are apparently all voluntarily allowing this.

If Homeland Security ever wanted to have an actual practice case of how to keep people in their homes, be able to search at will, then this is the case to study.

I am not sure I would allow them in.  I would be respectful and say no one they were looking for was in my home, and request a search warrant if they wanted entry.

If there are any knowledgeable attorneys reading this, what is a homeowner's right in this type of situation?

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